Ok Roanokers: You are proving again and again that you want to save this planet, and for that you are coming out on Saturday mornings to recycle or help others sort, you are donating money, you are being rained on, and you are still laughing and working your traseros off. You are the ones who will bring about the change we so desperately need!
Thanks to everyone who came out to recycle, to donate, and to help out, especially Nikki, Mim, Piper, Cory, Heidi, Megan, Elizabeth, Carla, Laurie, Karen, Maya, Moorman, and Bob. 💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
You can see some more photos of the event here. Our website doesn't allow us to upload videos easily, but there is a bunch of them on the Facebook version of this post.
